
“Here Comes Little Jenna Jafferty is as much a warning as it is the title of a children’s book. Terra Kern presents young readers with an adventurous, spirited child in her short chapter book. In each chapter, Jenna engages in some type of mischief or mayhem… Jenna is able to single-handedly keep her parents on their toes, but sometimes her older sister, Janine, is happy to participate in the fun, making it only that much more disastrous for Mr. and Mrs. Jafferty.

Kern quickly captures her readers’ interest with Jenna and Janine’s antics. Before the first chapter ended, I was laughing and shaking my head in disbelief…What makes the stories even better is that Jenna and Janine are both kind-hearted young girls. They never have the intention of causing harm to anyone, and they are always apologetic when they realize they have done wrong in their parents’ eyes. Mr. and Mrs. Jafferty are the epitome of loving parents. They are never too harsh with their children and shower them with love. Both the children and the parents serve as excellent role models as a result.

I highly recommend this book to parents for their 8 to 11-year-old children. This is a great book to be read out loud because Kern incorporates a sentence or two into every chapter that is full of funny sounding rhyming words. For example, “Jenna did a lot of growing and sowing, blending and befriending, playing and straying, learning and yearning, as well as getting scraped and taped.” This would be an excellent book for children who are developing their reading skills to the point that they are starting to read chapter books. Each adventure is fully described in a single chapter, making the chapter breaks excellent stopping points for young readers. The chapters are the perfect length and contain just the right amount of humor to hold a child’s interest…

Jenna’s adventures will easily be loved by children, especially if they are already fans of Junie B. Jones. Jenna made me think of what Junie was probably like prior to her elementary school days. If you see Jenna Jafferty heading your way, just be prepared for the mayhem that is about to ensue!” [Official review of “Here Comes Little Jenna Jafferty”.]

Little Jenna Continues to discover the world around her in humorous ways. Changes, Challenges & Chuckles presents more charming stories from the life of Jenna Jafferty. The innocence and joy brought to life in these stories remind the reader of simpler times. These are stories you will enjoy sharing with children today. Jenna is growing up in a loving family where loyalty and kindness are exemplified by how the members of Jenna’s family treat one another. The parents are patient, loving and yet firm. The sisters are friends and enjoy each others company and the extended family is a place of safety and security. I recommend this book to anyone, who is looking for a charming book to share with little ones which teaches important values we should strive to instill in our children while at the same time providing good humor in facing challenges. I look forward to the next book in the series! – Frequent Amazon Shopper

Great Children’s Book. Great stories of a simpler time that are both entertaining and easy to read. I can’t wait to pass them on to the children in my life. – Kyle D

Absolutely Adorable. I love the these stories of the mischievous and inquisitive little girls. They bring back memories of my own childhood, a time when children had play time instead of screen time. I purchased books for each one of my grandchildren so they could see what it was like growing up without cell phones and computers. – Tammy Rhein

Fantastic find! I just love this series for so many reasons, but what I appreciate the most is the family-centered theme. This is not your average children’s book. No magic, no spells, and no cellphones. Instead, you’re transported to the wonderful world that existed before the digital age. This book focuses on family, laughter and fun. But best of all, there are core values that can impact any family in a positive way! It’s engaging and lighthearted with a glimpse into days gone by, but also introduces new words and shows children that you don’t have to ‘keep up with the Joneses’ to have a good time. I would recommended this book to anyone looking to connect with their kids/grandkids and even with students in their classroom. This series would be an awesome kid’s show too! Can’t wait for the next book ( and neither can my kids!) ~Amazon Customer

More chuckles indeed! If you ask me, this is not just a children’s book and definitely not just for children to read! This is one of those books that will give you a glimpse of what it’s like to live back in the 70’s, before gadgets and cellphones, internet and social media. I also love how little Jenna’s parents have instilled in her great family values that I think this generation is lacking today. This is a “feel good” book that excites the reader’s imagination and just brings chuckles, in each chapter. I loved the first book and this one did not disappoint! I can’t wait for the third one!  ~ abi0902

Delightful story.  Once again I find myself amazed and giggling over Jenna Jafferty and her many antics. I bought this book, as well as the first in the series, for my grandchildren. Reading to them brings me as much joy as it brings them. My biggest problem with this book was wanting to continue reading after the first 2 chapters promised. I can’t wait for more from this author, her love of children is apparent. I plan to buy a few copies to give as gifts this year.  ~ Amazon customer

It’s a pleasure to read such an uplifting and wholesome book. Oh that childhood could still be as carefree and joyful as that written about in Little Jenna Jafferty. It is a pleasure to read a book which shows how simple life can be for children growing up in a loving family. The funny stories shared by the author about little Jenna and her family make for a perfect book for intergenerational sharing. Grandparents can relate to raising children in a simpler time and parents learn how to be more patient and loving by observing how Jenna’s parents respond to her mistakes. Children will enjoy reading about someone they can relate to who is learning about the wonderful world around them as they grow and experience new adventures in their own lives. I highly recommend this charming book and look forward to more stories from this author. ~ Shanna

What do you mean it’s for kids? I’m loving it! Jenna seems to be a cute scoundrel, but I’m glad I’m not her mom. Very engaging piece you have there! Funny and sunny! I’m warned and charmed. ~ Miriam Molina

Five Stars. Read Little Jenna Jafferty in one sitting! Awesome read! Kids would love it.. Especially the girls. Passing on my copy to my niece…  ~Sumit Menon

What a wonderfully delightful story. Little Jenna won over our hearts. Her antics and adventures had us entertained every time we picked up the book. Can’t wait until we see another book by this author . Highly recommend this book for girls and boys as well. – Amazon Customer

I loved this book. Jenna and her sister could have been characters in the cartoon Rug Rats. A very entertaining read for adults and children. – Tammy Rhein

The author and I grew up in the same small town during the 60s. Terra has written a story that could be my own childhood, although Jenna is probably far cuter! I enjoyed sharing the book with both my mom and granddaughter, and we all loved it. Watch out Ramona and Amber, Here Comes Little Jenna Jafferty!! – Kristi Spear

Not just for kids! Loved everything about this book especially how it’s focused on family values. I am certain every child that reads this will learn valuable lessons modern gadgets/toys will never teach them. Definitely recommending this to parents and kids who love to read… and laugh😉
Can’t wait to read more from this author! – abi0902

“Here Comes Little Jenna Jafferty” is not only about a curious, happy child, Jenna also has deep feelings of love toward animals, toys, her family and friends. Her mommy and daddy have their own lives, but the children come first. I’m looking forward to more exciting news of Jenna as she grows with her bright mind and wonderful family. – Arlene 12

Loved this Book. I loved the stories of Jenna and her sister. Cute and entertaining for both children and adults.  – Kyle D

Loved it! Shared this book with a Teacher friend and she said she read it to her class and they all loved it as well. Can not wait for the next Book. – Georgeann

A wonderful glimpse into being a kid during simpler times. In each chapter, sensitive and precocious Jenna Jafferty experiences humorous and heartwarming life lessons as she navigates through her young life surrounded by a loving family. Jenna’s adventures will keep adults entertained while, I suspect, also taking them back to their own childhood memories, and children will laugh along with Jenna’s antics and the predicaments she gets herself into. It was a joy to read such a wholesome book! – KWP

Very entertaining. This is a delightful little book! My daughter loved it and I found it very entertaining as well. Reminiscent of my own childhood. – Kindle Customer

Adorable stories from childhood. Looking back fondly. Great for children and adults will love it too! So many similarities! Definitely recommend as a parent/child book read together! My niece loved it! – Tayler H

This Book is Awesome! “The author used a lot of great adjectives and it was really funny. She put a lot of hard work into her writing and I can tell. That’s why I love this book so much!” – Emmery, age 7

Five Stars. Excellent book. It’s one that I will definitely read and cherish with my children. – Brandon Kern