The Making of The Little Jenna Jafferty Book Series For Children

I’ve had several fans ask me what I thought about when I decided to write The Little Jenna Jafferty Series. So I thought I would share my thoughts on the making of the Little Jenna Jafferty Book Series for children  with everyone.

First and foremost, I wanted to write  stories that would make children laugh. One of the reasons for that was because I loved to laugh as a child and actually have never outgrown it. Humor has a wonderful way of making the not so nice things in life fade away and not seem so pressing anymore. Laughter is contagious and just feels oh so good any time, anywhere, no matter our age. Well, except for in the middle of a church sermon maybe, lol!

Another goal I had in mind was parents and grandparents. Being both, I know from experience that kids have their favorite books and stories that they like to have read to them over and over. Many times, to an adult, it gets very tedious simply because the story content is geared toward children and children only. This got me to thinking…

Read, Relate and Reminisce

I wanted to write stories that not only were favorites for the children, but that adults would like and wouldn’t mind reading over and over because there were elements in the books geared towards them as well. I was thinking I wanted to pen books that parents/grandparents, in short, could “read, relate, and reminisce” with their children/grandchildren.

The long version is “read”, well, that’s self explanatory, lol! The “relate” part is where I determined the setting for The Little Jenna Jafferty Book Series would take place in the past, including things that the older generations could relate to. Then as they related, the “reminisce” part would naturally follow. It was my hope that certain incidents and experiences that Little Jenna Jafferty encountered would remind the parents and grandparents of stories from their childhood that they would in turn share with their children and grandchildren. This would open the door for quality sharing time for all.

Bottom line though, is that I wanted all generations who read The Little Jenna Jafferty Book Series to be entertained and experience an enjoyable read. And based on some of the Praises the first book in the series “Here Comes Little Jenna Jafferty” is getting, I believe I’m right on target.

And those are Terra’s Thoughts for today.



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